dimanche 12 juillet 2015

((( Guy Bleus ,,,


À : thierrytillier@hotmail.com


Being is Smell ! 
The Louvre is but an old church ? 
The PERFUMES - they are changing ! 
A NO-museum is a digital museum ? 
Once MAN was the museum of all things ! 
Now Man is the museum of NO-things ? 
Man is a living Olfactory Archive of Digits ! 
Does Art, E-art & No-art belong in a solid funky museum ? 
Once the purpose of a museum was: a window for a wider public ? 
Then "The mailbox is the museum" : a NEW vision on art display ! 
Networked art : a new context of art interaction ? 
Now the postal system has become SLOW !
SOCIAL Media are "temporarily" new museums, new public domains ? 
Fresh art & information NOW, ... grey and OLD a few second later ! 
E-Communication is flowing images, simulacra & BLUE SCREEN ideas? 
An E-Olfactory hallucination ! 

 / Guy Bleus - 42.292 / ---  

 ( 2015 /... Manifesto for my friend Thierry Tillier / "Museums/Mail Art/No 
Museums" ) ---

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